Plastic Factory
Short Description
The goal is to recover a maximum of used plastic materials (waste) and recycle them in order to produce new useful and multifunctional objects. The site also makes it possible to locate the places where there is activity related to Precious Plastic throughout the world.
The first step is to collect plastic caps in the neighborhood. Then follows a process of sorting and cleaning by hand in their workshop. Caps are shredded and stored by plastic type and color. The work is done around a plastic, ergonomic, aesthetic, (multi)functional research to achieve the best result.

Cultivating urban space

The goal is to recover a maximum of used plastic materials (waste) and recycle them in order to produce new useful and multifunctional objects. The site also makes it possible to locate the places where there is activity related to Precious Plastic throughout the world. The first step is to collect plastic caps in the neighborhood. Then follows a process of sorting and cleaning by hand in their workshop. Caps are shredded and stored by plastic type and color. The work is done around a plastic, ergonomic, aesthetic, (multi)functional research to achieve the best result.

Which problem does the practice try to solve?

The problem is that of plastic pollution

What are the solution to address the problem?

The first step is to collect the plastic caps. Then follows a process of sorting and cleaning by hand. Caps are shredded and stored by type and color of plastic. A color palette is ready for use ... The last step is the coolest: Create

What are the beneifts for the user/community?

Less plastic waste

How are CE principles addressed?

Everyone is aware of the gravity of our pollution, this awareness must turn into small daily habits and we must go back to the origins. Buy local, organic, natural, bulk and recycle.

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Chaussée d'Alsemberg 461, 1180 Uccle Bruxelles, Belgique
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