The project

Circular economy and the future of our business

Circular Economy as a Development Strategy (CEDES) intends to contribute with international exchange of good practices, experience and knowledge for the creation of a virtual and physical platform in a circular economy as an important tool for the stakeholders and companies interested in change and become “circular”.
Project duration
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Report: Circular visions for social enterprises in Europe

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We believe that every man and woman, employed and unemployed, social activist and businessman, pubic worker and apointee can close the loop with us in their activity for future generations. How to do it? Find some tips and good practises in our report: 

Download the report.

or read online: 


Background of the project:

The idea of circular economy (CE) remains an abstract concept, if not entirely alien. The circular economy is much more than a simple theory, it modifies the organization of society itself and is a response to concrete environmental, social and economic problems of this millennium. In a CE, products and materials keep circulating in a high value state of use, through supply chains, for as long as possible in a world of finite resources.

Profile of participants:

The staff of the 7 partner organizations, Trainers, VET teachers, tutors, business consultants, social entrepreneurs, and professionals working in the field of circular economy, institutions and companies working in the circular economy area in the partners’ countries and companies working in different sectors of the economy in the partners’ countries.

The results:

Communication skills development of participants

selected by exchanging experiences an knowledge through transnational cooperation

Increased specific skills on the issues

discussed at each learning/teaching/training activity

increased capacity to manage and develop

activities in team inside an intercultural context

improving quality control

procedures and evaluation through project activities

improving knowledge regarding the CE

 best practices in every learning activities scheduled

increased intercultural skills, language, and traditions

of each host country of the mobility activities

improving skills, awareness and counseling

techniques in the field of circular economy

developing the approach of “reduce, reuse, recycle

with critical thinking, through the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices


the language, digital and intercultural skills

greater motivation and satisfaction in daily work

due to the exchange and contributions provided by the staff in the project

creation of a One Stop Shop

with critical thinking, through the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices

selected by exchanging experiences an knowledge through transnational cooperation

Communication skills development of participants

discussed at each learning/teaching/training activity

Increased specific skills on the issues

activities in team inside an intercultural context

increased capacity to manage and develop

procedures and evaluation through project activities

improving quality control

best practices in every learning activities scheduled

improving knowledge regarding the CE

of each host country of the mobility activities

increased intercultural skills, language, and traditions

techniques in the field of circular economy

improving skills, awareness and counseling

with critical thinking, through the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices

developing the approach of "reduce, reuse, recycle

the language, digital and intercultural skills


due to the exchange and contributions provided by the staff in the project

greater motivation and satisfaction in daily work

with critical thinking, through the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices

creation of a One Stop Shop

The partner institutions in turn:


The main impact of the project is the promotion of development of the circular economy in the enterprises and social enterprises in the 7 partner countries.

- improvement of knowledge & skills in the circular economy approach, the participants are able to put it into practice in their daily work inside the organization partners

- development of social technologies and counseling skills in aspects related to the circular and blue economy

For the participant:

- improvement of work management skills and international activities

- the partners will have staff with increased knowledge and skills in circular and social economy field

- development of international relationships

For the partner institutions:

- entrepreneurs will improve their skills in developing the circular economy approach inside their own companies

- enterprises will be informed about the ways to access funding for their activities based on the circular economy

- enterprises will be informed about the ways to change their own business towards the circular economy vision

For the enterprises, groups of people and organizations involved in the circular economy sector (stakeholders):

Project duration and main activities

Project has started in 2019 and will be finished in 2022. The main activities of the project will be related with exchanging of the good practises, workshops and trainings. I will be organized during transnational meetings and short-term joint staff training events. Please find more information about each one below:  

TM Kick of meeting: Germany


Kick-off meeting in Berlin

At the beginning of the project, it means one month before the LTTA C1, for a general management and logistics coordination.


General coordination of the project and presentation of the project teamwork, generation of feedback among partners and exchange of criteria and suggestions regarding CEDES.


  • CEDES Work Plan detailed explanation. Partners presentation.
  • general coordination of project activity LTT1 to be developed and contents.
  • distribution of tasks and responsibilities among partners.
  • Coordination of Dissemination plan and activities.
  • evaluation of TM and signing of the meeting report.

C1 Short-term joint staff training event: Germany


Short-term joint staff training event


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

C2 Short-term joint staff training event: Spain


Short-term joint staff training event


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

TM2 Transnational Meeting: Germany


Transnational Meeting in Germany


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

C3 Short-term joint staff training event: France


Short-term joint staff training event in France


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

C4 Short-term joint staff training event: Italy


Short-term joint staff training event


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

TM3 Transnational Meeting: Poland


Meeting in Poznan, POLAND, Host: Association for Social Cooperatives (09/2021)


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

C5 Short-term joint staff training event: Poland


Short-term joint staff training event


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

C6 Short-term joint staff training event: Belgium


Short-term joint staff training event


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

TM4 Transnational Meeting: Sweden


Meeting in Gothenburg, SWEDEN, Host: Changemakers AB (04/2022)


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

C7 Short-term joint staff training event: Sweden


Short-term joint staff training event


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

TM5 Transnational Meeting: Spain


Meeting in Madrid


GOALS: Increasing the participants’ skills and knowledge in circular economy and development strategies. Support the participants’ knowledge in the BP in Circular Economy through a study visit to some important business working in CE in Germany.


  • improvement of knowledge and skills in the circular economy approach,
  • comprehension of the change that can be made through a circular economy system,
  • increased knowledge about cases of companies that work in a circular economy.

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